CIA informant reveals that the Moon is habitable: home to more than 250 million humanoid extraterrestrials.

John Lear, a former CIA pilot, claimed that the Moon is actually inhabited and, more importantly, that it already has a population of over 250 million. Sentient beings all over the world went instantly crazy as soon as the statement was issued. He talked about how he came across strange structures on the surface of Mars and even presented a series of images that are meant to prove his point.
But he is not the first of the bunch, as the same has been said by many different authorities thus far. As they claim that a kind of holographic projection could be detected on the surface of the Moon. Most theorists believe in the fact that there are aliens on the Moon as well, so this hologram could be our means of proving this after all.


In the official interview with Lear, we can see him taking pictures of what appears to be an observatory on the Moon in 1947. This is apparently a rather rare occurrence, as a large crater event occurred northwest of Endymion crater. in the past.
The Moon is also alleged to be around 40 million years old, as it was built during the Ice Age 40 million years ago. The inhabitants of the Moon are humanoid aliens by nature, and among them, some also like gray ones.


Our planet, on the other hand, is a prison for our kind, one from which we are never allowed to leave. It is important to note that there may be some intentional spelling variations due to special characters and fonts, but the text has been corrected for standard English language.

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